To explain what we do at The Life Consultant™, we use two similes. The one we describe on this page is the idea that life is like a ship on the ocean. The other is the idea that life is like a business; you may read about that simile here.
A ship on the ocean needs several things to make a successful journey. It needs a purpose, be that transporting people or goods, or exploration. It needs a destination, a place where it intends to go. It needs power, be that from sails or an engine. It needs fuel, whether that be wind for the sails, or coal, oil, or even solar power for the engine. It needs maintenance. And, it needs a community: sailors, ports, and all the infrastructure that a ship requires on land. Without these things, a ship is no better than driftwood on the sea.
Life is like that, too. A person needs a meaningful purpose, chosen by that individual, to give their life an overall direction. A person needs a preferred destination, some preferred state that symbolizes satisfaction for the individual. A person needs power, in the form of knowledge and skills that enables this person to make their way in the world. A person's life needs fuel, which in this world is basically money generated by the work that this person does, either in some organization or in their own business or profession. People need maintenance, everything from hygiene and grooming to medical care. And people certainly need community: friends, special significant others, and so forth. Without these things, a person is, to some greater or lesser degree, adrift on the Sea of Life.
However, the fact of the matter is that many people have not launched the ship of their life on a course leading to a satisfying adult life. They may lack purpose, a clearly defined destination, power in knowledge or skills, a way to generate sufficient income to support their preferred lifestyle. They may lack the knowledge or means to maintain themselves or their health. They may lack the knowledge or skills to build a community around themselves.
That's where life consulting comes in. We help people clarify the purposes and goals of their life. We help them to plot a course to gain the knowledge and skills they need to support themselves. We help them establish practices of self-care. We also help them to build their community and "find their people."
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